
PCB Share: EAGLE Downloads

PCB Share: EAGLE Downloads

Share by Erin KOU (www.pcbway.com/e)

Here you can find the latest version of EAGLE. Follow this link to download the appropriate release notes



For 32 bit download eagle-win32-7.3.0.exe,
for 64 bit download eagle-win64-7.3.0.exe and run it.
This self-extracting archive will guide you through the setup process.
System requirements: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8. The 64 bit EAGLE version requires a 64 bit version of the operating system.


For 32 bit download eagle-lin32-7.3.0.run,
for 64 bit download eagle-lin64-7.3.0.run and run it.
This self-extracting shell script will guide you through the setup process. You may need to click on the above link with the right mouse button and select “Save Link As…”. To run this file you need to make it executable, or enter “sh eagle-lin32-7.3.0.run” (or "sh eagle-lin64-7.3.0.run") in a shell window. System requirements: Linux based on kernel 2.6 for Intel computers, X11 with a minimum color depth of 8 bpp. For the 64-bit version a 64 bit operating system is required and libc.so.6 with sub version GLIBC_2.14 or higher.


For 32 bit download eagle-mac32-7.3.0.zip,
for 64 bit download eagle-mac64-7.3.0.zip and unzip it, which results in a Mac Installer file. Run the installer to install EAGLE on your system. System requirements: Mac OS X version 10.8 to 10.10 for Intel computer.

EAGLE Freeware - free and non-commercial use only!
Not sure whether EAGLE is the right tool for you? Try it for 30 days and familiarize yourself with the popular software!

Further download directories can be found here: Libraries – New and improved EAGLE part libraries ULPs – User Language Programs Projects - Projects from EAGLE users Documentation – Various user provided documents Tools and Converters – Additional tools and converters to use with EAGLE If you have files that you would like to share with other EAGLE users you can upload

website: www.pcbway.com/e

For PCB prototype, please feel easy contact Erin KOU (erin.kou@pcbway.com)

