
PCB Share: Created your own PCB layout with eagle PCB

Created your own PCB layout with eagle PCB

Sorced by Erin KOU (www.pcbway.com/e)

If you have created your own PCB layout with eagle PCB, the next step is to produce prototype PCBs from the layout.

PCB manufactures  do not usually support all the PCB layout files from these software, however, they do support the standard gerber file format. It doesn't matter how you create the PCB layout, as long as you can export gerber files from your layout, the board can be produced by any manufacture, including PCBWay(www.pcbway.com/e)

In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to export gerber files from your eagle brd file, so that you can send it to PCBWay for manufacture.

Softwares needed

You only need one software: eagle PCB. Download from here: download eagle PCB free version
You also need winzip or winrar, you probably already have it installed. If not: winzip or winrar

Export Gerber files from eagle

Generate Drill Rack file

Select Run from File menu:
run job
In the pop up dialog, select drillcfg.ulp from the list and click Open:
run drillcfg.ulp
Then select Inch and click OK:
select inch
Don't change anything and click OK:
click ok
Click Save:
save drill cfg file
Now you have the drill configuration file created.

Generate Excellon drill files

Select File -> Cam Processor... from the menu:
select cam processor
Click File -> Open -> Job...:
select job
Select Excellon.ulp, and click open:
Excellon job
Click process Job:
Run excellon
The file will be created instantly. Close the window by clicking the 'x' icon on the right too corner:
close dialog

Generate gerber files

Select File -> Cam Processor... from the menu:
select cam processor
Click File -> Open -> Job...:
select job
Select Gerb274x.ulp, and click open:
gerb274x job
Now this is important, make sure "Mirror" is unchecked on all tabs, then click "Process Job...":
process gerb274 job
It may take a couple seconds to generate all files, once it is done, close the dialog:
Close process job dialog

Zip up generated files and send to PCBWay (erin.kou@pcbway.com)

Now open windows explorer, zip up the generated gerber files as rar or zip format, then send to PCBWay for manufacturing. Before you send it, you may want to upload the zip file to online gerber viewer website and they will check if they are correct.
These are the files:
  • *.drl Drill rack data
  • *.drd Excellon drill description
  • *.dri Excellon drill tool description
  • *.cmp Component side data
  • *.sol Solder side data
  • *.plc Component side silk screen data
  • *.stc Component side solder stop mask data
  • *.sts Solder side solder stop mask data
  • *.gpi Gerber photoplotter information data
zip files

website: www.pcbway.com/e

For PCB prototype, please feel easy contact Erin KOU (erin.kou@pcbway.com)

