
PCB share: Export Gerber files from Altium

Export Gerber files from Altium

Sourced by Erin KOU [www.pcbway.com/e]

Softwares needed

You need winzip or winrar, you probably already have it installed. If not: winzip or winrar

Export Gerber files from Altium

Design rule check

Make sure you run design rule check (Tools->Design Rule Check...) before you generate Gerber files. DRC usually makes sure that your board doesn’t exceed the manufacturer’s production abilities.
Our PCB manufacturing capabilities are outlined at the home page of http://www.pcbway.com/e, please using Design Rule Wizard to modify the rules accordingly.

Make sure there are no errors. If there are errors, you need to fix them before you can continue to generate Gerber files.

Generate Gerber File

In PCB view, select File -> Fabrication Output -> Gerber files. Then in the popup dialog, select General tab, set Unit to inch and format to 2:5:

General tab

In Layers tab, select "Used On" for the Plot Layers drop down, select "All OFF" for Mirror layers. Check "include unconnected mid-layer pads", and uncheck "Mechanical layers to Add to All plot":
Layers tab

In the Drill Drawing tab, deselect all check boxes, and select Graphic Symbols:
Drill tab

In Apertures tab, make sure RS274X is selected:
Apertures tab

In Advanced tab, select "Separate file per layer" for Batch Mode option. Also select "Suppress leading zeros" for Leading/Trailing Zeros, select "Reference to relative origin" for Position on Film and select "Unsorted" for Plotter Type, then click OK:
Advanced tab

After a few seconds, Gerber files are generated. You don't need to save the generate CAM file, just close it.

Generate NC Drill File

Then in the PCB view, select File -> Fabrication Outputs -> NC Drill Files, in the NC Drill Setup dialog, select "Inches" for Units, "2:5" for Format, "Suppress leading zeros" for Leading/Trailing Zeros and "Reference to relative origin" for Coordinate Positions, then click OK:
NCDrill setup

Click "OK":
Import drill data
Click "OK"
Import mill

Package Gerber File

Altium saves all generated Gerber and NC Drill files in the "Project output folder", usually it is in the same folder as your PCB project folder. Rename the project output folder to something meaningful so you know what it is.
Then zip all files in the output folder and send to us for PCB fabrication.
The following summarizes the Altium Gerber file extensions:
GTL---Top layer
GBL---Bottom layer
GTO---Top overlay
GBO---Bottom overlay
GTP---Top paste
GBP---Bottom paste
GTS---Top solder
GBS---Bottom solder
G1 ---Midlayer 1
G2 ---Midlayer 2
GP1---Internal plane 1
GP2---Internal plane 2
GM1---Mechanical 1
GM2---Mechanical 2
GKO---Keepout layer
GG1---Drill guide
GD1---Drill drawing
GPT---Top pad master
GPB---Bottom pad master
website: www.pcbway.com/e
For PCB prototype, please feel easy contact Erin KOU (erin.kou@pcbway.com)


PCB Share: Created your own PCB layout with eagle PCB

Created your own PCB layout with eagle PCB

Sorced by Erin KOU (www.pcbway.com/e)

If you have created your own PCB layout with eagle PCB, the next step is to produce prototype PCBs from the layout.

PCB manufactures  do not usually support all the PCB layout files from these software, however, they do support the standard gerber file format. It doesn't matter how you create the PCB layout, as long as you can export gerber files from your layout, the board can be produced by any manufacture, including PCBWay(www.pcbway.com/e)

In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to export gerber files from your eagle brd file, so that you can send it to PCBWay for manufacture.

Softwares needed

You only need one software: eagle PCB. Download from here: download eagle PCB free version
You also need winzip or winrar, you probably already have it installed. If not: winzip or winrar

Export Gerber files from eagle

Generate Drill Rack file

Select Run from File menu:
run job
In the pop up dialog, select drillcfg.ulp from the list and click Open:
run drillcfg.ulp
Then select Inch and click OK:
select inch
Don't change anything and click OK:
click ok
Click Save:
save drill cfg file
Now you have the drill configuration file created.

Generate Excellon drill files

Select File -> Cam Processor... from the menu:
select cam processor
Click File -> Open -> Job...:
select job
Select Excellon.ulp, and click open:
Excellon job
Click process Job:
Run excellon
The file will be created instantly. Close the window by clicking the 'x' icon on the right too corner:
close dialog

Generate gerber files

Select File -> Cam Processor... from the menu:
select cam processor
Click File -> Open -> Job...:
select job
Select Gerb274x.ulp, and click open:
gerb274x job
Now this is important, make sure "Mirror" is unchecked on all tabs, then click "Process Job...":
process gerb274 job
It may take a couple seconds to generate all files, once it is done, close the dialog:
Close process job dialog

Zip up generated files and send to PCBWay (erin.kou@pcbway.com)

Now open windows explorer, zip up the generated gerber files as rar or zip format, then send to PCBWay for manufacturing. Before you send it, you may want to upload the zip file to online gerber viewer website and they will check if they are correct.
These are the files:
  • *.drl Drill rack data
  • *.drd Excellon drill description
  • *.dri Excellon drill tool description
  • *.cmp Component side data
  • *.sol Solder side data
  • *.plc Component side silk screen data
  • *.stc Component side solder stop mask data
  • *.sts Solder side solder stop mask data
  • *.gpi Gerber photoplotter information data
zip files

website: www.pcbway.com/e

For PCB prototype, please feel easy contact Erin KOU (erin.kou@pcbway.com)

PCB Share: EAGLE Downloads

PCB Share: EAGLE Downloads

Share by Erin KOU (www.pcbway.com/e)

Here you can find the latest version of EAGLE. Follow this link to download the appropriate release notes



For 32 bit download eagle-win32-7.3.0.exe,
for 64 bit download eagle-win64-7.3.0.exe and run it.
This self-extracting archive will guide you through the setup process.
System requirements: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8. The 64 bit EAGLE version requires a 64 bit version of the operating system.


For 32 bit download eagle-lin32-7.3.0.run,
for 64 bit download eagle-lin64-7.3.0.run and run it.
This self-extracting shell script will guide you through the setup process. You may need to click on the above link with the right mouse button and select “Save Link As…”. To run this file you need to make it executable, or enter “sh eagle-lin32-7.3.0.run” (or "sh eagle-lin64-7.3.0.run") in a shell window. System requirements: Linux based on kernel 2.6 for Intel computers, X11 with a minimum color depth of 8 bpp. For the 64-bit version a 64 bit operating system is required and libc.so.6 with sub version GLIBC_2.14 or higher.


For 32 bit download eagle-mac32-7.3.0.zip,
for 64 bit download eagle-mac64-7.3.0.zip and unzip it, which results in a Mac Installer file. Run the installer to install EAGLE on your system. System requirements: Mac OS X version 10.8 to 10.10 for Intel computer.

EAGLE Freeware - free and non-commercial use only!
Not sure whether EAGLE is the right tool for you? Try it for 30 days and familiarize yourself with the popular software!

Further download directories can be found here: Libraries – New and improved EAGLE part libraries ULPs – User Language Programs Projects - Projects from EAGLE users Documentation – Various user provided documents Tools and Converters – Additional tools and converters to use with EAGLE If you have files that you would like to share with other EAGLE users you can upload

website: www.pcbway.com/e

For PCB prototype, please feel easy contact Erin KOU (erin.kou@pcbway.com)


Advanced PCB Layout – Step by Step

Advanced PCB Layout – Step by Step

Here summarized these steps, which will guide you during PCB Layout process. Let me know when you find them useful.

First Phase – Connecting all the pins

Step 1:Set up basic rules
For example [mm]: Track 0.1 / 0.1 (clearance / width) , VIA 0.45/0.2 (diameter / drill), DIFF pair 0.1/0.1/0.1 (track / gap / track)
Step 2:Set up a basic stackup
Add more layers and you will remove unused layers on the end.
Step 3:Do preliminary memory layout
Connect all the memory pins. Leave space for length matching.
Step 4:Do CPU fanouts
By priority (first with highest priority): Powers, Decoupling capacitors, Precise resistors / capacitors, Crystals, Series resistors / capacitors, Termination resistors, Pull UP / DOWN resistors, Bootstrap resistors.
Step 5:Do fanout for other difficult BGAs in design (e.g. FPGA, chipset, …)
Step 6:Route big and wide buses (e.g. PCI, ISA, …)
Do all the fanouts in the way of the bus, so you don’t have to reroute it later.
Step 7:Do preliminary differential pair routing
Step 8:Connect Long Length Buses, then rest of High pin number buses
Step 9:Do local connectionsThese are usually connections in small area e.g. Power supply components, Small circuits, Connectors, Analog areas
Step 10:Connect rest of the still unconnected signals (e.g. 1 wire nets, LEDs, …)
Step 11:(or Step 0) Connect power netsDesign power planes. If your design is difficult, or number of power layers is very limited, you may want to do preliminary power distribution on very beginning of layout.
Step 12:Clear DRCs 

Second Phase – Improving your Layout

Step 1:Set the real stackupUse the information provided by your PCB manufacturer or design your own.
Step 2:Set the real differential pair rules based on stackupUse the track geometry provided by your PCB manufacturer
Step 3:Do preliminary memory interface length matchingThe signals don’t have to be nice at this stage, the goal is occupy the space needed to length match the signals.
Step 4:Do preliminary differential pair length matchingReroute differential pairs with the new track geometry defined by target impedance & stackup, occupy the space needed to length match the signals later.
Step 5:Add stitching VIAsFind more information for example here (page 11).
Step 6:Do preliminary length matching of other signals (e.g. clocks, …)
Step 7:Check high current tracks
Add / modify polygons were needed. Calculate track width and VIA number.
Step 8:Check power planes
Go from the source, be sure there is enough vias and copper for the current.
Step 9:Check all the nets one-by-one
Go through all the nets in your board. Double check for example wider space around clock signals, interrupts, …
Step 10:Do final length matching of simple signals & differential pairs
Step 11:Do final length matching of memory interface
Step 12:Lock down important tracks (e.g. memory interface tracks)
Step 13:Add: Company name, Copyright, Year, Board name & Version, …
Step 14:Add manufacturing information (e.g. PCB color, Tolerances,  …) 

PCB Routing Solutions: New Interactive Routing Styles

PCB Routing Solutions: 

New Interactive Routing Styles

By Charles Pfeil  Shared by Erin KOU ( PCBWay )
As you may already know, the Xpedition VX.1 release is now available to customers. I encourage you to take some time to evaluate it because if there is one thing to mention about this release, it is that you will be able to increase your productivity significantly. It can be downloaded at SupportNet.
We have added some new interactive routing styles that complement the existing ones quite well. The differences between these styles are found in the amount of automation applied to the action, and the type of user control. Looking at Editor Control/Plow, the methods are listed:
PCB Routing Solutions Editor Control Plow methods
You can set a style for routing with the Mouse Up (clicking when needed) and for the Mouse Down (dragging as you route). I recommend trying the default style using Real Trace for a couple weeks to really get a good feel for its value.

Real Trace Plow

This is the new functionality. Real Trace is what can be called a “One-Click” interactive router. All you need to do once you are in Plow mode is to click on a route object and start routing. The trace is added as you move your cursor – no need to click again. It even finishes the route automatically when it gets close to the end of the netline. Watch this video to see in detail.
Delayed Option – This option allows you to delay the application of push & shove until the trace being added is in an open space. Why? We have found that by waiting to apply the push & shove, the quality of the traces being pushed is much better because we consider a longer length of trace and smooth it and those little unnecessary jogs are eliminated.
Dynamic Option – With this style, push & shove is applied dynamically as the trace is being added. You might be thinking, after I described the value of the Delayed option – why would we come back and enable you to have the push & shove done dynamically? Sometimes it is desirable to immediately see how a trace will fit through a tight area. The good news is that all you have to do is hold down the left mouse button and push & shove will be applied as long as you are dragging. Rumors that the push & shove is more effective if you press harder on the mouse button are not true; however, I do understand that sometimes this method may be useful to release some pent-up emotions during stressful days.
The Hockey Stick style works as it has in previous releases; however, the Local Gloss has been improved significantly to provide higher quality routing. For those who want to click-click-click-click to create every segment, the Segment style for ultimate control is still available.

Other New Items

Active Clearances – This feature dynamically displays a shadow around objects that shows you the design rule clearances to the trace being plowed. This is especially useful when Plow fails and it is not easy to understand why.
PCB Routing Active Clearances 1PCB Routing Active Clearances 2
Fixed & Locked Patterns – You can now set your own patterns for fixed and locked objects in the Display Control / Graphic tab.
PCB Routing Fixed and Locked Patterns
Route Object Appearance – Another feature that may be useful is the ability to set a specific pattern on general Traces, Pads and Plane Data. This is also on the Display Control / Graphic tab.
PCB Routing Route Object Appearance


As time goes on, we continue to make both big and small enhancements to our design tools. Many of the enhancements are driven by customer requests and we often go out-of-the-box with things like the Sketch Router.
What do you think would be a good improvement in our interactive routing tools? Maybe it has already been done in the Xpedition VX.1 Layout product and all I need to do is show you where it is.

website: www.pcbway.com/e

For PCB prototype, please feel easy contact Erin KOU (erin.kou@pcbway.com)